2024-2025 Student Handbook

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Student Appeal of Disciplinary Action

  1. Appeals
    1. A student has the right to appeal a disciplinary action. However, a written warning or probation may not be appealed.
    2. An appeal to a disciplinary action must be based on one or more of the following:
      1. Fairness of the hearing. A fair hearing includes timely notice of the alleged misconduct and an opportunity to present evidence;
      2. Sanctions levied were appropriate for the offense;
      3. Finding was supported by the evidence; and/or
      4. New evidence has become available which was not offered during the hearing.
    3. Both parties must submit written arguments to support their position(s) to the Dean of Student Services.
  2. Appeal Process
    1. If a student wishes to appeal the decision of a disciplinary committee, the student must do so within five (5) business days from the date of disciplinary action by notifying the Dean of Student Services in writing of their intent to appeal.
    2. The appeal shall be limited to a review of the 1) initial meeting or hearing and/or 2) the decision.
    3. The Dean of Student Services may:
      1. Affirm the action of the committee.
      2. Modify the action (reduce or increase) of the committee.
      3. Dismiss the charges if a decision was made but not supported by substantial evidence.
      4. Return the case to the original officer or committee for further consideration.
      5. Forward the case to the Student/Faculty Relations Committee for review.
    4. The Student/Faculty Relations Committee shall meet as soon as practical to consider an appeal.
    5. The Student/Faculty Relations Committee may:
      1. Request additional information from all parties.
      2. Schedule a meeting and/or hearing with the student only or both parties.
      3. Send recommendation(s) to the Dean of Student Services.
    6. The appellate decision of the Dean of Student Services shall be final. However, the student may contact the Dean of Student Services to:
  1. Ask a question concerning procedural due process and /or
  2. Introduce new information