2024-2025 Student Handbook

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Judicial Procedures

  1. Violations of law and of the standards of student conduct may be reported to the Office of Student Services for consideration and referral. This does not preclude direct referral of such matters to appropriate disciplinary agencies by faculty and students.
  2. The college distinguishes its responsibility for student conduct which is in violation of law as cases of separate jurisdiction. When a student or group of students stand in violation of law, they may be subject to college disciplinary action.
  3. The Office of Student Services shall insure that the best interests of any offending students are served by making use of appropriate college counseling and professional services and judicial agencies.
  4. In those cases of student conduct involving psychological or mental disturbance or other unusual circumstances, the Office of Student Services may act other than the initiation of judicial proceedings.
  5. If information indicates that an offense has occurred, the following procedures shall be initiated:
    1. The Director of Student Activities will investigate the alleged offense and ascertain all pertinent facts. In the course of the investigation, the student shall be advised of the purpose of the investigation. Upon written request, students must report to the Director of Student Activities investigating the alleged offense. Students will be afforded an opportunity to state their case informally or present information in support of their position, including mitigating circumstances. A determination may be made even if the student does not show for the meeting or hearing.
    2. If it is determined that original jurisdiction should rest with other judicial bodies, the college official may refer the case directly to the proper agency for investigation.
    3. If the college official determines that disciplinary action should be taken, the student shall be advised in writing of the charges against him/her and afforded the opportunity to offer information that might be relevant to the necessity for, and extent of, disciplinary action.