2024-2025 Student Handbook

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Group Offenses

  1. Student societies, clubs, living groups, and other student organizations are responsible for conducting their affairs in a manner that reflects favorably upon themselves and the College. Such responsibilities include:
    1. Complying with college regulations,
    2. Taking reasonable steps, as a group, to prevent violations of law or college regulations by its members and
    3. Willing to deal individually with those members of the group whose behavior reflects unfavorably upon the group or upon the College.
  2. Failure to accept the responsibilities of group membership may subject the organization to permanent or temporary withdrawal or college recognition and/or support, social probation, denial of use of college facilities, or other appropriate action.
  3. The Dean of Student Services or designate has responsibility for initiating the expediting disciplinary action in any group offense case.

In order to ensure the safety of people and property and to prevent any disruption of the educational and service functions of the college, all assemblies, demonstrations, marches, rallies, sit-ins, or other events on the campus must be registered with the Dean of Student Services.

Sponsoring groups or organizations and their officers or spokesmen will be responsible for the conduct of such events, including arrangements for adequate safeguards. in the case of individual students not acting in the name of the organization, the student(s) registering and/or organizing the event will be held as primarily responsible for the activities of the event and for the behavior of participants. Additionally, individual students will bear responsibility for their own behavior. Failure to register for such events will result in disciplinary action hearings.