2024-2025 Student Handbook

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Breach of Conduct

Listed below are some examples of behavior that are unacceptable and not in keeping with the educational aims, purposes, and philosophy of the college and which subject student(s) to disciplinary action:

Breach of Conduct

a. Commission of an act which would constitute an offense under appropriate federal, state, or municipal law.

b. Violation of any Regent’s rule, regulation, or order of College policy, rule, or regulation.

c. Failure to comply with the direction of a College official acting in the performance of his or her duties.

d. Giving false testimony or other evidence at a campus disciplinary or other administrative proceeding.

e. Failure to meet financial obligations to the College.

f. Unauthorized throwing of any objects in or from College facilities.

g. Misuse of fire or other life-safety equipment on College property.

h. Unauthorized use of possession of ammunition, firearms, or other illegal weapons on College community or of visitors on the campus.

i. Stealing, destroying, defacing, damaging, or misuse of College property or property belonging to another.

j. Possession of or making use of College keys for unauthorized purposes.

k. Engaging in hazing or voluntarily submitting to hazing.

l. Using, without authorization according to the College policy, intoxicating beverages in a classroom building, laboratory, auditorium, library building, or faculty or administrative office, residence hall or apartment, intercollegiate and intramural athletic facility, or any other public campus area, or being intoxicated in any public area of the campus.

m. Gambling in any form on College property.

n. Illegal possession, use, sale, or distribution of any quantity, whether usable or not, of any drug, narcotic, or controlled substance.

o. Advocating or recommending either orally or in writing, the conscious and deliberate violation of any federal, state, or local law. Advocacy means addressing an individual or group from imminent action and stealing it to such action as opposed to the abstract espousal of the moral propriety of a course of action.

p. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of College documents, forms, records, or identifications cards.

q. Any attempt to commit these prohibited acts.

r. An initiation by an organization which includes any dangerous, harmful, or degrading act to a student. Violation of this prohibition renders the students involved and the organization subject to discipline.

s. Violation of any rule or regulation governing residential living in College-owned facilities or breach of a residential living contract.

t. Unauthorized possession, ignition, or detonation of any explosive device, fireworks, liquid, or object which is flammable or which could cause damage by fire or explosion to person or property on College property.

u. Unauthorized entry into or use of College building, facilities, equipment or resources.

v. Failure to heed an official summons to the office of an administrative officer within the designated time.

w. Failure to maintain a current official mailing address in the Registrar’s office or giving false or fictitious address to such office.

x. False alarm or report where the person knowingly initiates, communicates, or circulates a report of a present, past, or future bombing, fire, offense, or other emergency that is known is false or baseless and that would ordinarily cause action by an official or volunteer agency organized to deal with emergencies; place a person in fear of imminent serious bodily injury; or prevent or interrupt the occupation of a building, room or aircraft, automobile, or other mode of conveyance.

y. Harassment or bullying where the individual intentionally threatens, in person, by telephone, in writing, online, or by other means, to take unlawful action against any person and by this action intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly annoys or alarms the recipient or intends to annoy or alarm the recipient.

z. Issuance of a check without sufficient funds.

aa.  Academic dishonesty (see section of this Handbook dealing with Academic Dishonest).

bb. Campus disruptive activities (see section of this Handbook dealing with College Prohibiting Disruptive Activities).

cc. Disorderly conduct on College-owned or controlled property or at a College sponsored or supervised function which inhibits or interferes with the educational responsibility of the college community or the college’s social-educational activities shall include but not limited to: using abusive, indecent, profane, or vulgar language; making offensive gestures or displays, which tend to incite a breach of the peace; penetrating fights, assaults, abuse, or threats; or evincing some obviously offensive manner, or committing an act, that causes a person to feel threatened.

dd. Using authority granted state law, by system rule, or by college policy, to deprive any person of his or her civil rights.

ee. Violation of College policy relating to electronic network facilities such as local area networks and the Internet.

ff. Behavior that disrupts the learning environment.