2024-2025 Student Handbook

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Delineation of Responsibilities

  1. By delegation of the President of the College, the Dean of Student Services is designated as the official who has primary responsibility for student conduct and discipline. This delegation does not exclude members of the teaching faculty and staff from assisting in the promotion and promulgation of acceptable student conduct, not only as interpreters of policy but also as examples of responsible college and community citizenship.
  2. The chief college officer charged with responsibility for the cases of student’s conduct is the Dean of Student Services who is assisted by the Director of Student Activities in student conduct and disciplinary proceedings.
  3. The campus Student/Faculty Relations Committee has authority for the disposition of cases involving infractions or breaches of conduct and violation of law which may properly come before it. The committee shall serve as an appellate body of the institution and shall convene when its deliberation may be required. When convened, the committee shall consist of up to seven (7) faculty members and three (3) student members. Refer to the Faculty Handbook for more information.
  4. The Dean of Student Services may delegate jurisdiction to appropriate student judicial bodies. Judicial bodies recognized as having jurisdiction in disciplinary action proceedings are:
    1. Student Supreme Court
      • has jurisdiction in all cases and controversies arising under this Constitution concerning questions of fact and law, injunction, and mandamus proceeding.
      • is organized by the Student Government Association. The SGA President will appoint one member as Chief Justice and six members shall constitute a quorum and appointed by the Chief Justice.
    2. Student Traffic Court, 
      • has jurisdiction over all traffic cases as set forth in this Student handbook.
      • is organized by the Student Government Association. This body insists of nine members appointed by the SGA President and one shall be designed as Chairman by the SGA President.
    3. Departmental or committee.