2024-2025 Student Handbook

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Social Events

All social events of college groups or organizations are subject to the following regulations:

  1. General Policy Statements
    1. For the purpose of this policy, “groups or organizations” shall be defined as those approved and registered in the Office of the Dean of Student Services and the Office of Student Activities.
    2. For the purpose of this policy, “social events” shall be interpreted as dances, mixers, receptions, and banquets. Business and/or routine meetings are not considered social events unless such meetings in fact become so, as a result of the activity itself.
    3. It is the responsibility of the officer(s) of an organization and/or leader(s) of a group to inform the faculty/staff advisor of organizational/group social events; one of the functions of an advisor is to advise the leadership and/or members of an organization/group of the acceptability of a planned course of action; the final responsibility, however, for an acceptable social function and the conduct of those attending an events rests with the group/organization, with the individual officers of the organization, and ultimately with the individual members and their guests.
    4. Groups or organizations hosting dances or major social events must provide adequate security service at their own expense. It is the responsibility of the officers of the organization to advise the Campus Security or police officer(s) of their responsibilities and of special regulations which they are expected to enforce.
      1. A minimum of two officers are required for all dances/mixer-type events. If fewer than 200 are in attendance during the first hour of the dance or event, one officer may be dismissed; the sponsoring organization, however, must pay the dismissed officer the minimal “show up” fee.
      2. The Dean of Student Services is authorized to adjust to police/security requirements as contained in Section 4i above. All adjustments shall be communicated in writing to the officer and to the advisor and/or officers of the sponsoring organization.
      3. Organizational/group leaders and/or officers should report to an event thirty minutes prior to its beginning and remain thirty minutes after the end of the event.
      4. When a dance or event is held in any college facility or outdoors, the security/police policies governing events in that facility are to be enforced.
    5. Dancer/mixer-type events are subject to the following regulations:
      1. Admission is by identification card and is restricted to members of the Lamar State College Port Arthur community.
      2. Admission may be permitted to non-Lamar State College community persons under the following conditions:
        1. a guest, eighteen (18) years of age or older, of a Lamar State College Port Arthur community member or
        2. one who presents an invitation/bid ticket from the group/organization sponsoring the function.
    6. It is the responsibility of the sponsoring organization and its officers to assure that the social event complies with College regulations. Failure to enforce College rules and regulations subjects the sponsoring organization/group to disciplinary action by the College.
    7. Hours of social events:
      1. Sunday through Thursday—Events must end by midnight.
      2. Friday through Saturday—Events must end by 2 a.m.
  2. Procedure for Use of Campus Facilities
    1. A “Room Request” and/or “Event Approval” form must be signed by the groups’ or organizations’ faculty/staff advisor(s) or their faculty/staff designate.
    2. When a campus facility is to be used that requires a special set up, the “Room Request” and/or “Event Approval” form must be submitted at least six weeks in advance to the Director of Student Activities.
    3. If security is needed, the organization is responsible for paying and scheduling campus security. In some instances, a police officer may be required at the event. Please contact the Director of Campus Safety and Security at 409-984-6255 to schedule security.
  3. Violations

See “Student Conduct”.