2024-2025 Student Handbook

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Gambling is prohibited in the State of Texas as defined by the Texas Penal Code, Section 47.01. Students and visitors of Lamar State College are prohibited from participating in any form of gambling on College-owned or College-controlled property.

  1. Definition
    1. A person commits a gambling offense if he/she:
      1. Makes a bet on the partial or final results of a game or contest or on the performance of a participant in a game or contest.
      2. Makes a bet on the result of any political nomination, appointment, or election, or on the degree of success of any nominee, appointee, or candidate.
      3. Plays and bets for money on other things of value at any game played with cards, dice, or balls.
    2. “Lotteries” are also gambling and are defined as any scheme or procedure whereby one or more prizes are distributed by chance among persons who have paid for promised consideration for a chance to win anything of value, whether such scheme or procedure is called a pool, raffle, gift, gift enterprise, sales, policy game, or some other name.
  2. Legal Consideration
    1. Under the state penal code, offenses range from Class C misdemeanor to a felony of the third degree depending on the severity of the violation.
    2. Gambling is a violation of College regulations as defined in the “College Student Conduct Code” and other College literature and therefore subjects a student to disciplinary action by the College.