Title IX and Sexual Misconduct
The Texas State University System and Lamar State College Port Arthur are firmly committed to maintaining an educational environment free from all forms of sex discrimination. Sexual misconduct is a form of sex discrimination and will not be tolerated. LSCPA will maintain an environment that promotes prompt reporting of all types of sexual misconduct and timely and fair resolution of sexual misconduct complaints. The college will take prompt and appropriate action to eliminate sexual misconduct when such is committed, prevent its recurrence, and remedy its effects.
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs and activities. Sexual harassment of students or employees, which includes acts of sexual violence, is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX.
The TSUS Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedures are located at https://www.lamarpa.edu/Lamar/media/Lamar/Files/Policies/TSUS-Sexual-Misconduct-Policy-and-Procedure.pdf.
For more information about your rights under Title IX, the college’s grievance process, and community resources, please visit the college’s Title IX website at https://www.lamarpa.edu/TitleIX and the Annual Security & Fire Safety Report at https://www.lamarpa.edu/security/report.
Title IX Training Requirement
All incoming freshman and transfer students are required to complete the college's online Sexual Assault Prevention training during their first semester. The online training is approximately 2 hours in length and can be completed in multiple sessions. A link to our online training course is sent to the student's MyLSCPA email account and students may also access the training through MyLSCPA. Weekly reminders include the training link. Failure to complete this training may be considered a conduct violation and may impact a student’s ability to register for classes. The training course allows the student to work at their own pace and leave the course to return at a later time. When the student returns to the training session, the course will open to the page where they stopped.
Students that need help accessing the training should contact the Registrar's office. Students that need help accessing their MyLSCPA email account should contact the IT Help Desk.
Faculty and staff are also required to take training within 30 days of hire and Title IX staff are required to take specialized training.
Title IX Reporting
Reports may be made online via the college’s Title IX website at https://www.lamarpa.edu/TitleIX or directly to the Title IX Coordinator, Susan Cook, Madison Monroe Educational Building Room 208i, (409) 984-6146, cooksl@lamarpa.edu. Reports may also be made to any of the Deputy Coordinators listed on the college’s Title IX website. You may file an anonymous report; however, anonymous reports may be difficult for the College to take action on.
While we encourage students to report directly to designated Title IX staff, we understand that you may feel more comfortable reaching out to a known, trusted faculty or staff member. With the exception of employees designated as Confidential Employees, all LSCPA faculty and staff are Responsible Employees, which means that they are required to report incidents of sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator. As such, if you report to a Responsible Employee, Title IX staff will follow up with you in a timely manner.
Students that want to maintain confidentiality should contact Laurie Marcantel, M.Ed., L.P.C., A.T.S., Disability Services Coordinator, Madison Monroe Education Building Rm 231B, (409) 984-6241, marcantella@lamarpa.edu.
Title IX Awareness and Outreach
Awareness and education on topics related to Title IX can help create a culture of respect both on campus and in our community. Planned activities will take place in October for National Dating/Domestic Violence Awareness, in April for Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and periodically throughout the year.