Dropping Courses
Students may drop a course and receive a grade of “Q” during the first six weeks (two weeks in a summer session) of the semester after consultation with their advisor and/or department chair. Classes dropped after the penalty-free period, grades are recorded as “Q”, “Q6” or “F,” indicating the student was passing or failing at the time of the drop. A grade of “Q” may not be assigned unless an official drop has been processed through the Records Office.
A student may not drop a course within 15 class days of the beginning of final examinations or five class days before the end of the summer term.
Students may drop a course and receive a grade of “Q6” during the first six weeks of a regular semester and the first two weeks in a summer session.
Lamar State College Port Arthur requires that a student who is deficient on one or more of the basic skills (reading, writing or mathematics) must participate continuously in a program of remediation until all deficiencies are removed. Students have Department Chair approval to drop a Developmental Education course or corequisite.
Students should check the published schedule for specific deadlines to drop a course.
Drop Initiated by Instructor
When absences, other than approved absences, interfere seriously with study or performance, the instructor may recommend to the Department Chair or Dean that a student be dropped from the course. If this action is taken after the first six weeks of the Fall or Spring semester or the first two weeks of a Summer session, a grade of ‘F’ may be recorded for the course. The student’s Department Chair, Dean and Registrar’s Office will be notified in writing that the student should be dropped for excessive unexcused absences.
Six Drop Rule
Under Section §51.907 of the Texas Education Code, “an institution of higher education may not permit a student to drop more than six courses, including any course a transfer student has dropped at another institution of higher education.” This statute was enacted by the State of Texas in spring 2007 and applies to undergraduate students who enroll in a public institution of higher education as first-time freshmen in fall 2007 or later.
Any course that a student drops after the census date is counted toward the six-course limit if 1) the student was able to drop the course without receiving a grade or incurring an academic penalty; 2) the student’s transcript indicates or will indicate that the student was enrolled in the course; and 3) the student is not dropping the course in order to withdraw from the institution.