Regular and punctual class attendance is important to achieve educational objectives. Each instructor’s policy is explained at the beginning of the semester and is enforced in a consistent and uniform manner. Determination of whether an absence is excused or approved is the responsibility of the instructor, except in the case of an approved absence for participation in a college-sponsored activity or a religious holy day.
Extended Class Absence
A student may submit a request to the Dean of Student Services to notify faculty member’s prior to or during an extended absence due to personal or family illness, accident, hospitalization or emergency circumstances. This notification does not constitute an “excused absence” from class. It does advise faculty members as to the reason a student is absent and the expected dates of his/her return.
Absence on Religious Holy Day
In accordance with Texas Education Code §51.911, all institutions of higher learning shall excuse a student from attending class or other required activities, including examinations, for the observance of a religious day, including travel for that purpose. A student whose absence is excused under this policy may not be penalized for that absence and shall be allowed to take an examination or complete an assignment within a reasonable time after the absence. Policies and procedures for absence due to religious holy days shall be consistent with (or no more arduous than) the instructor’s policies and procedures related to other excused absences.
The Texas Education Code defines a “religious holy day” as a day observed by a religion in places of worship that are exempt from property taxes under Section 11.20 of the state tax code.
A student who will be absent to observe a “religious holy day” must notify the instructor for each class before the planned absence. If a student and instructor disagree about the nature of the absence, or if there is similar disagreement about whether the student has been given reasonable time to complete any missed assignments or examinations, either the student or the instructor may request a ruling from the President or Presidential designee. The decision of the President or Presidential designee is final.
Missed Examinations
Students must plan with the course instructor to take an exam outside of a regularly scheduled class meeting. Faculty members are not required to allow students to makeup exams missed for any reason other than an excused absence. Students who know in advance that they will be absent from class on an examination day should discuss the matter in advance with their instructor.
Students who miss an examination without prior notification should contact the instructor as soon as possible after the absence and prior to the next class meeting.
Class Meetings Canceled
The semester calendar will not be lengthened if the College cancels class meetings because of weather or other circumstances. Final exams are administered as scheduled.
The method for including the subject matter that normally would have been covered in missed class meetings will be left to the discretion of each instructor, and may include, but is not limited to, additional class meetings, lengthened class meetings, additional assignments, library or laboratory activities, field trips and/or take home exams in order to free more class time for demonstration, discussion and lecture.