2024-2025 College Catalog

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Grade Points

Grade points are assigned to letter grades listed below:

A: 4 points

B: 3 points

C: 2 points

D: 1 point

F, I, S, U, NG, W: 0 points

Grade Point Average

Grade point average is a measure of a student’s overall academic performance and is used to determine academic standing, rank in class, eligibility for graduation, etc.

The number of grade points earned in a course is calculated by multiplying the number of semester credit hours by the number of points assigned to the letter grade made in the course.

The grade point average is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the total number of semester credit hours attempted in courses for which the grades A, B, C, D, F and I are assigned.

For grades S, U, NG, W, and Q, neither semester credit hours nor grade points are used in the computation of the grade point average. Hours attempted provide all work taken whether passed, failed or repeated.

Cumulative Grade Point Average

The Cumulative Grade Point Average is calculated and used to qualify students for graduation and graduation honors status. The Cumulative GPA is calculated using LSCPA college level courses with grades of A, B, C, D, and F recorded during all semesters enrolled at LSCPA. Courses transferred to LSCPA from other postsecondary institutions are excluded from the Cumulative GPA calculation. The Cumulative GPA is recorded on the LSCPA official transcript.