2024-2025 College Catalog

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Advanced Placement by the College Board

Applicants who wish to receive credit for college level work completed in high school may do so by submitting their scores on the College Board’s Advanced Placement Examinations. Testing arrangement are made by high school counselors. Subject matter areas and the basis for granting credits for Advanced Placement courses are as follows:

Subject Area Required Score Credit Granted
Biology 3 BIOL 1306, 1106, 1307 & 1107
Calculus AB 3 MATH 2312 & 2413, or MATH 1324 and 1325, or MATH 2312 & 2313
Calculus BC 3 Math 2312, 2413, & 2414
Chemistry 3 CHEM 1311 & 1111
Chemistry 3 CHEM 1305 & 1105
Chemistry 3 CHEM 1311 & 1111
Economics-Macro 3 ECON 2301
Economics-Micro 3 ECON 2302
English 3 ENGL 1301
Government 3 GOVT 2305 or 2306
History (U.S.) 3 HIST 1301 or 1302
Music Theory 3 MUSI 1303

For more information, go to: https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/home.