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2023-2024 Student Handbook
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Programs of Study
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Workforce Training and Continuing Education
Course Descriptions
Academic Courses
ACCT - Accounting
ARTS - Art
BCIS - Business Computer Information Systems
BIOL - Biology
BUSI - Business
CHEM - Chemistry
COMM - Communication
COSC - Computer Science
CRIJ - Criminal Justice
DRAM - Drama
ECON - Economics
EDUC - Education
ENGL - English
GEOG - Geography
GEOL - Geology
GOVT - Government
HECO - Home Economics
HIST - History
HUMA - Humanities
KINE - Kinesiology
MATH - Mathematics
MUAP Applied Music
MUEN- Music Ensemble
MUSI - Music
PHED - Physical Education
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYS - Physics
PSYC - Psychology
SOCI - Sociology
SOCW - Social Work
SPCH - Speech
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2023-2024 College Catalog
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Academic Courses
ACCT 2301
Principles of Financial Accounting
ACCT 2302
Principles of Managerial Accounting
ARTS 1301
Art Appreciation
ARTS 1303
Art History I
ARTS 1304
Art History II
ARTS 1311
Design I
ARTS 1312
Design II
ARTS 1316
Drawing I
ARTS 1317
Drawing II
ARTS 2311
Design III
ARTS 2313
Graphic Design
ARTS 2316
Painting I
ARTS 2317
Painting II
ARTS 2323
Life Drawing I
ARTS 2348
Digital Media
BCIS 1305
Business Computer Applications
BIOL 1106
Biology for Science Majors I Lab
BIOL 1107
Biology for Science Majors II Lab
BIOL 1108
Biology I Lab
BIOL 1109
Biology II Lab
BIOL 1306
Biology for Science Majors I
BIOL 1307
Biology for Science Majors II
BIOL 1308
Biology I
BIOL 1309
Biology II
BIOL 1322
Nutrition and Diet Therapy
BIOL 2101
Anatomy & Physiology I Lab
BIOL 2102
Anatomy & Physiology II Lab
BIOL 2120
Microbiology Lab
BIOL 2301
Anatomy & Physiology I
BIOL 2302
Anatomy & Physiology II
BIOL 2320
BUSI 1301
Business Principles
BUSI 1307
Personal Finance
CHEM 1105
Introductory Chemistry I Lab
CHEM 1106
Introductory Chemistry I Lab
CHEM 1107
Introductory Chemistry II Lab
CHEM 1111
General Chemistry I Lab
CHEM 1112
General Chemistry II Lab
CHEM 1305
Introductory Chemistry I
CHEM 1306
Introductory Chemistry I
CHEM 1307
Introductory Chemistry II
CHEM 1311
General Chemistry I
CHEM 1312
General Chemistry II
COMM 1307
Introduction to Mass Communication
COMM 1336
Video Production I
COMM 2366
Film Appreciation
COSC 1301
Introduction to Computing
CRIJ 1301
Introduction to Criminal Justice
CRIJ 1306
Courts Systems and Practices
CRIJ 1310
Fundamentals of Criminal Law
CRIJ 2313
Correctional Systems and Practices
CRIJ 2328
Police Systems and Practice
DRAM 1120
Theater Practicum I
DRAM 1121
Theater Practicum II
DRAM 1310
Theater Appreciation
DRAM 1330
Stagecraft I
DRAM 1351
Acting I
DRAM 1352
Acting II
DRAM 2120
Theater Practicum III
DRAM 2121
Theater Practicum IV
DRAM 2336
Voice for the Actor
DRAM 2361
History of Theater I
DRAM 2366
Film Appreciation
ECON 2301
Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 2302
Principles of Microeconomics
EDUC 1100
Learning Framework
EDUC 1300
Learning Framework
EDUC 1301
Introduction to the Teaching Profession
EDUC 2301
Introduction to Special Populations
ENGL 1301
Composition I
ENGL 1302
Composition II
ENGL 2307
Creative Writing I
ENGL 2311
Technical Writing
ENGL 2321
British Literature
ENGL 2322
British Literature I
ENGL 2323
British Literature II
ENGL 2326
American Literature
ENGL 2331
World Literature
ENGL 2341
Forms of Literature
ENGL 2351
Mexican American Literature
GEOG 1302
Human Geography
GEOL 1103
Physical Geology Lab
GEOL 1104
Historical Geology Lab
GEOL 1303
Physical Geology
GEOL 1304
Historical Geology
GOVT 2304
Introduction to Political Science
GOVT 2305
Federal Government
GOVT 2306
Texas Government
HECO 1322
Nutrition and Diet Therapy
HIST 1301
United States History I
HIST 1302
United States History II
HIST 2301
Texas History
HIST 2321
World Civilizations I
HIST 2322
World Civilizations II
HUMA 1315
Fine Arts Appreciation
HUMA 1315
Fine Arts Appreciation
KINE 1301
Foundations of Kinesiology
KINE 1304
Personal/Community Health I
KINE 1306
First Aid
KINE 1321
Coaching/Sports/Athletics I
KINE 1336
Introduction to Recreation
KINE 2356
Carea nd Prevention of Athletic Injuries
MATH 1314
College Algebra
MATH 1324
Mathematics for Business and Social Sciences
MATH 1325
Calculus for Business & Social Sciences
MATH 1332
Contemporary Mathematics (Quantitative Reasoning)
MATH 1342
Elementary Statistical Methods
MATH 1350
Mathematics for Teachers I
MATH 2312
MATH 2413
Calculus I
MATH 2414
Calculus II
MUAP 1250
Individual Instruction - Piano
MUAP 1260
Individual Instruction - Voice
MUAP 1270
Individual Instruction -Strings
MUAP 1280
Individual Instruction - Brass
MUAP 1290
Individual Instruction - Woodwind
MUEN 1231
Chamber (Small) Instrumental Ensemble
MUEN 1251
Chamber (Small) Vocal Ensemble
MUEN 2231
Chamber (Small) Instrumental Ensemble
MUEN 2251
Chamber (Small) Vocal Ensemble
MUSI 1116
Sight Singing & Ear Training I
MUSI 1117
Sight Singing & Ear Training II
MUSI 1181
Piano Class I
MUSI 1182
Piano Class II
MUSI 1183
Voice Class Instruction I
MUSI 1303
Fundamentals of Music
MUSI 1306
Music Appreciation
MUSI 1307
Music Literature
MUSI 1310
American Music
MUSI 1311
Music Theory I
MUSI 1312
Music Theory II
MUSI 2116
Sight Singing & Ear Training III
MUSI 2181
Piano Class III
MUSI 2182
Piano Class IV
MUSI 2311
Music Theory III
MUSI 2312
Music Theory IV
PHED 1101
Strength Training and Conditioning I
PHED 1102
Strength Training and Conditioning II
PHED 1103
Strength Training and Conditioning III
PHED 1104
Strength Training and Conditioning IV
PHIL 1301
Introduction to Philosophy
PHYS 1101
College Physics I Lab
PHYS 1102
College Physics II Lab
PHYS 1105
Elementary Physics I Lab
PHYS 1107
Elementary Physics II Lab
PHYS 1115
Physical Science I Lab
PHYS 1117
Physical Science II Lab
PHYS 1301
College Physics I
PHYS 1302
College Physics II
PHYS 1305
Elementary Physics I
PHYS 1307
Elementary Physics II
PHYS 1315
Physical Science I
PHYS 1317
Physical Science II
PSYC 1100
Learning Framework
PSYC 1300
Learning Framework
PSYC 2301
General Psychology
PSYC 2314
Lifespan Growth and Development
PSYC 2317
Statistical Methods in Psychology
PSYC 2319
Social Psychology
SOCI 1301
Introduction to Sociology
SOCI 1306
Social Problems
SOCI 2301
Marriage and Family
SOCW 2361
Introduction to Social Work
SPCH 1315
Public Speaking
SPCH 1318
Interpersonal Communications
SPCH 1321
Business & Professional Communication
SPCH 2335
Argumentation & Debate