2023-2024 Student Handbook

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Lamar State College Port Arthur recognizes the right of college-affiliated groups and organizations to sponsor and hold off-campus events. The college assumes no responsibility for the conduct of participants nor for the financial and/or contractual obligations associated with off-campus events; however, the College does hold each group/organization and its officers responsible for abiding by all state and local laws and college policies.

Sponsoring groups or organizations and their officers are responsible for conducting off- campus events in a manner that reflects favorable upon themselves and the College, and for arrangements for adequate safeguards at these events.

Sponsoring groups or organizations and their officers are responsible for fulfilling all financial and contractual obligations entered into in conjunction with off-campus events.

Violations of law, unacceptable conduct, and /or failure to meet financial or contractual responsibilities may subject a group or organization to disciplinary action by the college.