Office of Disability Services
The Office for Disability Services offers support services to students with disabilities who are majoring in Academic and Technical programs. The Coordinator ensures that individuals who have a documented disability receive accommodations and services that are supplemental to basic student services offered by the College. Students with disabilities who need accommodations should notify the Office for Disability Services Coordinator at least two weeks before classes begin for the semester in which they will be enrolled.
Assistance is also available to students who are majoring in Technical programs and are members of Special Populations as defined by the Perkins V Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act of 2019. Students who meet that definition are individuals preparing for non-traditional training and employment; students who are from economically disadvantaged families and low-income students; homeless students; students who are single parents and single pregnant women; our-of-workforce individuals; English Learners; youth (ages 17 - 24) who are in or have aged out of the foster care system; and youth (ages 17 - 24) who have a parent who is on active duty in the US Armed Forces.
The Office for Disability Services provides services to ensure student access and full participation in the educational programs offered at Lamar State College Port Arthur.